Gujarat Routes by Saieesh Tours respects your privacy and recognizes the need to protect the personally identifiable information (any information by which you can be identified, such as name, address, and telephone number) you share with us. We would like to assure you that we follow appropriate standards when it comes to protecting your privacy on our website. In general, you can visit our website without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. We track the Internet address of the domains from which people visit us and analyse this data for trends and statistics, but the individual user remains anonymous. Some of our web pages use "cookies" so that we can better serve you with customized information when you return to our site. Cookies are identifiers which web sites send to the browser on your computer to facilitate your next visit to our site. You can set your browser to notify you when you are sent a cookie, giving you the option to decide whether or not to accept it. The information we collect and analyse is used to improve our service to you. With specific reference to booking / requesting a query,
Gujarat Routes by Saieesh Tours does not sell or trade upon any of the above foregoing information without the consent of the user or customer. The foregoing information collected from the users/customers/travelers is put to the following use: Customer name, address, phone number, traveler’s name and age are shared with applicable service providers like the airlines, hotels, etc., for the purpose of reservation and booking the services for the customer/traveler. 'Gujarat Routes by Saieesh Tours' will continue to enhance its security procedures as new technology becomes available, and ensures that its security procedures are compliant with current applicable regulations. If our privacy policy changes in the future, it will be posted here and a new effective date will be shown. You should access our privacy policy regularly to ensure you understand our current policies. Thanks for visiting us, feel free to contact us in case of any query.